What Is Minimally Invasive Back Surgery?
If you’ve been told you need to have surgery on your back, that doesn’t mean that you’ll be laid up for months or suffer extraordinary pain and discomfort. In fact, when you visit the Southeastern Spine Institute in Mt. Pleasant, SC for back surgery, you can expect to be mobile and active within a week […]
Dancing and Your Back
If you love to dance, but have back problems, learn how to move properly so you can keep dancing. If you haven’t had back issues yet, take precautions to prevent them. If you experience a nagging back pain from dancing, your spine physician at the Southeastern Spine Institute near Charleston, SC, can diagnose and treat […]
Hidden Dangers for Your Back in Winter
Why Does My Back Hurt Worse in the Winter? There are actually many reasons you may find your back hurts this winter, and it’s not all about the weather, either. Outdoor activities change and often become harder on your body with the change in temperatures. Here are some reasons why you need to protect your […]
Osteoporosis and Your Back
Do Osteoporosis and Back Pain Always Go Together? Osteoporosis is a common condition in which bone mass decreases, causing bones to weaken and become brittle. It develops when your body isn’t creating new bone as quickly as it’s losing old bone. It affects both men and women, usually over the age of 50. While osteoporosis […]
How to Tell if You’re Overdoing an Activity
How Can I Tell if My Back Pain Is from Exercising? When your back starts acting up, visit your back specialist at the Southeastern Spine Institute for an evaluation. Overwork and overtraining can lead to physical problems that hinder your mobility and limit your quality of life. Untreated back pain from exercise can lead to […]
The Value of a Personal Trainer
Why Do I Need a Personal Trainer? A certified personal trainer can design an exercise program centered around your individual needs and physical limitations. Such a program maximizes your results while minimizing the risk of injury. The physical therapists at the Southeastern Spine Institute teach you the proper form for each movement, motivating you to […]
Back Surgery Recovery Tips
Recovering from back surgery takes time. But it can go faster and with less discomfort when you closely follow the directions of your spinal care team at the Southeastern Spine Institute. While diagnosing or repairing back problems is the goal of back surgery, your continued health and well-being are just as important. Ideally, you have […]
Managing Chronic Back Pain
Chronic back pain is defined as a persistent pain that affects your back for at least three months without improving or while getting progressively worse. This uncomfortable condition can seriously reduce your ability to function normally. Common everyday tasks — like getting in or out of a vehicle, carrying your groceries or even taking a […]
When You Need a Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant
Chronic back pain is always there, forcing you to make concessions in your lifestyle, stopping you from fully enjoying your life. When no therapeutic treatment and no surgical procedure can stop the pain you feel, then it may be time to try a spinal cord stimulator implant. A spinal cord stimulator stops the pain signals […]
How the Southeastern Spine Institute Protects You from COVID-19
Everything’s been disrupted by the novel coronavirus. Even necessary doctor visits have been impacted. You may be asking yourself questions, such as: Should I go to my doctor for normal, scheduled checkups? How do I deal with this pain in my back without my doctor? Does my medical practice offer COVID-19 protection? What do virus […]