Ambulatory Surgery Centers: Pros and Cons

A hospital stay is no longer required for back surgery in Charleston. It used to be that when you needed surgery, including back surgery in Charleston, you had to go to the hospital. That’s no longer the case. In fact, the number of medical procedures performed outside hospitals has tripled since the 1980s. More and […]
Healing As You Age
While remaining young at heart is admirable, science and our bodies (with physical evidence like graying hair and wrinkles) say otherwise. The older we get, the more care we need to take, especially when we treat back pain. Back care becomes more important as we age because of the effect aging has on how our […]
When Are Orthopedic Shoes Necessary?
Your back is connected to your hips, which are connected to your legs and then to your ankles and feet. With such a direct connection, it’s no wonder that the shoes you wear play such an integral role in preventing back and leg pain. Your spine doctors at the Southeast Spine Institute can help determine […]
The ABC’s of Spine Development
How you move your baby in the first years of life play an important role in her spine development. And as your child continues to grow, you can prevent back pain in children with a little knowledge about how the spine actually operates and develops. Proper alignment is not a straight line down the back. […]
Get to Know Your Spine
If you’ve never had back pain, then you may not even give your spine much of a second thought. It’s there holding you erect and is attached to other parts of your body. If, on the other hand, you suffer with back pain, you most likely want to get intimate with the details of your […]
The Advantage of “Everything Under One Roof”
The Advantage of “Everything Under One Roof” The Southeastern Spine Institute advertises “everything under one roof,” but what does that really mean and how does it really help you when you’re in pain? Like many of the people who come to SSI, you’re there because of a problem: Back pain Leg, neck or back stiffness […]
Welcome to Our Blog!
Welcome to Our Blog Innovation, dedication, customer-focused — these are just a few of the values we hold in high regard at the Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI). So it is in that spirit that we introduce a new feature to our website: a fresh new blog dedicated to you. We call it Spine Health for […]