Simple Stretches You Can Do at Home
Sometimes, all you need is a few good back stretches to work out the kinks. But you shouldn’t just dive into stretching your back without proper preparation and instruction. You can just as easily create back problems from stretching the wrong way as you can from lifting weights incorrectly. Whether you’re undergoing treatment for a […]
When’s the Best Time to Stretch?
When you think about your health, you may not consider flexibility, but it’s one of the five components of ultimate physical fitness. Your muscles are like rubber bands. When a rubber band is short and tight and you apply force, it breaks easily. A longer, more elastic rubber band can withstand more force. Stretching — […]
10 Tips for Preventing a Hunched Back
A hunched back, sometimes referred to as a dowager’s hump, is primarily associated with older women, but men are just as susceptible to developing a rounded back as women. Clinically called kyphosis, curvature of the spine usually happens slowly over the years as a culmination of poor posture and constant bending over — for example, […]
How Your Doctor Diagnoses Your Back Pain
You know when your back hurts, but you may not be able to accurately tell your doctor exactly where the pain originates. Back pain is often referred from other areas, especially when it comes to pain that starts in your spine. That’s why you need to rely on the experts at the Southeastern Spine Institute […]
Tips to Avoid Falling While Wearing a Mask
The COVID pandemic has forced us to change our lives in several unprecedented ways. Health experts have advised governments to mandate mask-wearing in most enclosed public venues and even in many outdoor settings. While numerous studies demonstrate that masks prevent the spread of COVID, many people are reluctant to wear them for other reasons, including: […]
How Your Mood Affects Your Physical Health
How Do I Stay Healthy When I’m Down? How to stay healthy when you’re in pain — either physically or mentally — varies depending on your mental health diagnosis. There’s a complex link between your mood and your overall well-being. You may experience persistent back pain, for example, that doesn’t respond to any treatment. That […]
The Proper Way to Wear a Mask and Why
How Do I Wear a Mask Properly for COVID-19 Precautions? Taking precautions, as directed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), helps slow the spread of COVID virus. These COVID-19 precautions include washing your hands frequently, staying at least six feet away from people who don’t live with you, avoiding large crowds or […]
Why Is the Practice Called an Institute?
Back pain is one of the most debilitating health problems. It’s the third-most common reason for visits to a doctor’s office and a leading cause of missed workdays. It’s also the leading cause of physical disability. When you have back problems, your life changes drastically. To maintain your quality of life, seek back pain relief […]
Strength vs. Flexibility: What’s More Important for Your Back?
Don’t overlook back strength when you start an exercise regimen. While flexibility is important, back strength helps you maintain your overall health and well-being. Your spine supports your neck and spinal column. When you have weak back muscles, you limit your range of motion and can develop sprains or muscle spasms. Over time, these aches […]
Finding a Support Group for People with Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is defined as persistent pain that continues for three to six months and beyond. When you’re experiencing it, you may feel other people can’t understand what you’re going through. But you’re not alone — about one in four American adults suffer from chronic back pain. Your team of spine specialists at the Southeastern […]