The Southeastern Spine Institute

How Your Shoulders Affect Your Back

Hunching over computers and other electronic devices is one of the main causes of upper back and shoulder pain. Your shoulders and your back are intricately connected through bones, ligaments and tendons. When something is out of alignment or damaged, your pain tends to radiate. The doctors at the Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) can help. […]

New Location — Same Comprehensive Services

The Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) is the largest medical practice in South Carolina exclusively specializing in spinal care. And its footprint just got bigger. SSI and its ambulatory surgery center previously occupied about 41,000 square feet on three acres of land in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. As of March 2020, the practice moved to a […]

The Relationship between Your Knees and Your Back

Your body is a web of connections. When you feel pain in one area, it may actually be due to a disease or injury in a different spot. Your knees and your back are another connection. So back pain, particularly lower back pain, requires a diagnosis and treatment with an experienced pain physician, such as […]

Lose Weight to Ease Back Pain

If you’re overweight or obese, you may not realize the profound effect those extra pounds have on your back. The added weight strains your joints, muscles and vertebra in your back. Extra weight also contributes to fatigue and shortness of breath after even brief bursts of activity, so it’s understandable that you want to avoid […]

What Are the Warning Signs of Knee Tendonitis?

Knee tendonitis, clinically called patellar tendonitis and more commonly known as jumper’s knee, is a tendon inflammation injury often caused by repetitive strain. Unless treated properly, knee tendonitis causes at least mild discomfort and at worst severe pain and immobility. Knee tendonitis is a common affliction that occurs for a variety of reasons. With the […]

5 Signs of Serious Back Problems

Back problems are common among Americans. In fact, about 80 percent of adults suffer from low back pain at some point. That means the odds are good you’ve had back pain already. Low back pain is the leading cause of job-related disabilities. Back pain symptoms most often aren’t acute, so you won’t experience a sudden […]

Pain Management at SSI

Living with pain isn’t easy, but one in four Americans think they have no other options. Often, the pain is misdiagnosed, leading to wrongful and addictive pain medications.  Understanding that there are several underlying reasons for your pain helps you better deal with it. And this is especially true for back pain, the most common […]

When You Have to Stop Running

Running involves high-impact and repetitive stress for long periods of time. And when your lower back feels strained, it can be an indication of overuse and stress — or a more serious problem. Unfortunately, it’s often due to your running schedule. While it may be your first instinct to keep moving through the pain, disregarding […]

Health Update: Running vs. Walking

Reap the benefits of walking and put yourself on a path to a healthy life. From relieving everyday back pains to easing stress symptoms, the benefits you receive from daily walking are astounding. When you walk every day, you get stronger and healthier — just by doing the bare minimum. Imagine how healthy you can […]

The First Step to Living Pain Free: The Exam

When your back hurts, you want relief from pain as soon as you can get it. But you can’t rush into treatment before your doctors at the Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) have figured out what’s causing the pain. SSI specializes in diagnosing and treating pain to help people live pain-free lives. The most important thing […]