Build Your Core to Protect Your Back
Back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical care. If you’ve experienced back pain, you know it’s not any fun. There are many recommendations about preventing or healing back pain, but what actually works? The Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) has answers for you. Prevention is always the best course of action. […]
Are Upper Back and Shoulder Pain Related?
The simple answer to this commonly asked question is “yes.” It’s entirely possible that your upper back pain and the pain you feel in your shoulder share a common source. Your spine protects the complex system of nerves that send and receive messages and sensations throughout your entire body. There are an estimated 95 to […]
5 Signs of Serious Back Problems
If you have back pain, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that as many as eight out of every 10 people experience back pain at some point during their lives. Eight out of 10! So you’re not alone if back pain is making your life a lot less enjoyable. Even though back pain can limit your […]
How to Take Care of Your Back in Retirement
Once you reach retirement, you finally have a chance to do what you want to do without worrying about anyone else’s rules or schedule. To make sure you can enjoy these golden years to the fullest, take care of your health needs. Make it a top priority. And the one area you must focus on […]
The Best Supplements for Spine Health
You’re probably familiar with dietary supplements. There are many types, including vitamins (like vitamin C), herbs (like ginseng) and minerals (like zinc). Each supports a particular part of your body, from the immune system to your brain functions. There are even some dietary supplements that promote spine health. In fact, they’re sometimes recommended in conjunction […]
How to Take Care of Your Back at a Desk Job
Who knew that working at a desk job could be as physically demanding as slinging a shovel or loading a truck? While the physical risks of those jobs are well documented, the risks of a desk job aren’t well advertised. But they are just as real. Back pain is the most common ailment among working […]
Caring for Pets When You Have a Bad Back
Running, jumping, kneeling, squatting — all of these activities may sound like the exercises of an athlete. But pet owners often do these kinds of rigorous, repetitive actions in the course of a regular day caring for and playing with the pups. While these activities are just a normal part of being a pet owner, […]
How Bone Density Influences Your Spine Health
As you age, your bones become thinner, weaker and more brittle. You’re therefore more likely to experience a broken bone when you get older. Something as simple as having a minor fall or putting stress on a bone by twisting, bending or lifting — even a bag of groceries — can cause a bone to […]
How a Twisted Ankle Contributes to Back Pain
If you’ve experienced a twisted ankle, you’ve probably noticed that the way you walk or stand has also been affected. It’s not uncommon for a twisted ankle to cause problems in other parts of your body. For example, ankle pain affects back alignment or movement — to avoid hurting your ankle more, you overcompensate by […]
Going Barefoot: Good or Bad for Your Back?
Going barefoot may remind you of vacations, childhood in the sandbox or just your daily end-of-the day release. What could be more relaxing than kicking off your shoes and wiggling your toes? But as good as it feels in the moment, going barefoot may be doing you more harm than good, especially if you already […]