Charleston on a Budget
Visiting Charleston, SC, is a trip that’s on many dream vacation lists. But not everyone has the resources to stay at the Wentworth Mansion or the Belmond. Not to worry — you can find inexpensive things to do in Charleston that will make your trip memorable. No matter how you get to the Holy City, […]
Kick the Habits that Lead to Back Pain
If you’ve ever had a painful back problem, you know all about the frustrations and discomfort. Did you know that most incidences of missed work are due to back pain? Chronic back pain disrupts many aspects of your daily life, including sleeping, hobbies and even sex. Your doctors at the Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) understand […]
10 Ways to Prevent Falls
Falling is one of the most common accidents that lead to injury and back pain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one-quarter of seniors over the age of 65 fall every year. And to make matters worse, once you’ve had a fall, you’re twice as likely to experience another. Many of […]
Quit Smoking for Better Back Health
It’s well documented that smoking has a negative effect on your whole body. It raises your risk of developing multiple health problems, from heart disease and stroke, to lung disease and cancer. Smoking is also associated with increased chronic back pain and is a risk factor for spine problems such as degenerative disc disease. If you […]
The Best Pillows to Prevent Back Pain
A sore back not only causes you to lose sleep, but tossing and turning at night may also be the cause of your back pain. You can create a vicious cycle of unending back pain if you can’t get comfortable while you sleep. While you should start with a good mattress, you also should invest […]
5 Stretches That Are Actually Bad for Your Back
Since gym class in grade school, you’ve had it drilled into your head that stretching is an unequivocally good thing. You know that a stiff body is a recipe for trouble and that gentle stretching can produce positive results. But it’s not always the case. There are bad back stretches, and this is especially true […]
What Are the Warning Signs of Knee Tendonitis?
Knee tendonitis, clinically called patellar tendonitis and more commonly known as jumper’s knee, is a tendon inflammation injury often caused by repetitive strain. Unless treated properly, knee tendonitis causes at least mild discomfort and at worst severe pain and immobility. Knee tendonitis is a common affliction that occurs for a variety of reasons. With the […]
Swimming vs. Walking: Which Is Better for Your Back?
If you’re active, you know that most forms of exercise are beneficial to your health and your back. But if you’ve already hurt your back or you’re susceptible to a back injury, talk to your spine specialist before starting any new sport or exercise program to ensure you don’t injure your back further. You’re more […]
Smell the Roses, But Careful How You Bend
Warm weather’s here again, and for most people, that means that it’s time to head outdoors with family and friends. Keep in mind how much activity you did over the winter, though, before hitting the hiking trail, the tennis court or the backyard garden. Hurting your back will certainly ruin your fun in the sun. […]
Isokinetic Exercises for a Bad Back
Back pain is one of the main reasons people miss work or have to visit a doctor. It’s also one of the leading causes of disability. Most people experience back pain at least once in their lives. You may think that rest gives your back time to heal, but if your pain persists for four […]