The Southeastern Spine Institute

Take It Easy When Doing Spring Yard Work

If you’re a homeowner, doing yard work is just something that you do to maintain your home. You may even enjoy it as a relaxing, meditative activity. Doing your own yard maintenance keeps your home attractive and provides a great source of exercise. But strenuous yard work can lead to health and back problems if […]

Caring for Your Back as a Waiter or Waitress

A recent study found that being a waiter or waitress is one of the most stressful jobs you can have. If you’re in this profession, you have a higher risk of developing health problems like heart disease or stroke than people in other careers. Another health issue many servers face is the risk of back problems. […]

Spend a Weekend in Charleston, SC

Charleston, South Carolina, is a city filled with history, charm and elegance. If you’re visiting to see one of the spinal medicine specialists at the Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) for back pain treatment, take time for a weekend in Charleston. It’s a trip you’ll remember for many years to come. What is it about this […]

Get Your Fitness Routine Approved by a Back Expert

Back injuries and back pain are common among Americans. If you want to work out and stay in shape, it’s best to follow a fitness routine to protect your back. Your doctors and physical therapists at the Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) are your best source of correct and appropriate information. The SSI team specializes in […]

How to Isolate Muscle Groups During Workouts

Back pain is as common as the flu. About 80 percent of Americans complain of back pain. At any given point in your life, you may experience a sharp twitch in your back. Get the help you need, sooner rather than later; it’s the best way to get back to your normal day-to-day life. Whether […]

Rehab Options After Back Surgery

Rehabbing from back pain, especially after surgery, may be different for you, compared to others you know who’ve been through it. Your overall health and age, as well as the type and complexity of the surgery you had, are all contributing factors to a targeted rehab program just for you. The doctors of spinal medicine […]

Vitamins and Bone Health

Although you probably don’t think about them often, your bones work hard every day of your life. What’s even easier to miss is that vitamins and bones are strongly linked. Certain vitamins and minerals help your bones grow and keep them healthy over time. Bone health is critical for a satisfying quality of life. Talk […]

Build Your Core to Protect Your Back

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical care. If you’ve experienced back pain, you know it’s not any fun. There are many recommendations about preventing or healing back pain, but what actually works? The Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) has answers for you. Prevention is always the best course of action. […]

Determining Your Risks for Getting Osteoporosis

The likelihood of you getting osteoporosis is actually fairly high. Across America, 10 million people are suffering from the disease, while another 44 million have an increased chance of getting it later. So the earlier you get a checkup by a doctor to test your bone density, the better the chance of understanding osteoporosis and […]

What to Expect After Minimally Invasive Back Surgery

Back pain is the number one reason why people go to the doctor. In fact, about 80 percent of Americans experience back pain, especially lower back pain, in their lifetimes. And worse still is that anyone can develop a back pain, irrespective of age, race or gender. Minimally invasive back surgery is recommended by doctors […]