The Southeastern Spine Institute

Activities like helping a friend move or trying a new exercise routine sometimes leaves you with back pain, usually the following day. Most of the time, this is just muscle soreness that goes away on its own in a couple of days. It’s caused by the heavy use of muscles you don’t use on a regular basis.

But your back is more than just a mass of muscles; it includes vertebrae, discs, cartilage, nerves and of course, your spinal cord. It’s an intricate maze of all those parts working together to keep you upright and mobile. If back pain persists or you have other ailments that may be connected to that back pain, turn to the physicians at the Southeastern Spine Institute in Mt. Pleasant, SC.

These spinal medicine experts can tell you whether you need to be concerned about your pain or whether it’s just a simple pulled muscle. They have the training, skills and equipment to correctly diagnose your back pain and implement a targeted treatment to get you back to a life without pain or limitations.

What Usually Leads to Back Pain?

Back pain may be caused by a fall, a sports injury or normal aging. But you may be setting yourself up for a backache without even realizing it. The position you sleep in or the way you sit at your desk may contribute to back pain. In addition to poor posture, back and neck pain may be caused by:

  • Psychological stress
  • Obesity
  • Lack of exercise
  • Smoking

If the stress you feel in your shoulders and upper back is continuous, it can cause radiate pain to your back and other parts of your body. Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle put extra strain on your back. Smoking — as well as certain foods — cause inflammation, which in turn causes pain. And sometimes upper, middle or lower back pain signals a more serious condition.

If It’s Not Muscular, Then What Is It?

If your pain isn’t muscular, you may have impeded a nerve. The nerves in your back are interwoven with the discs, cartilage and vertebrae. If there’s an abnormality to a disc — whether it’s herniated or slipped — it can pinch a nerve, causing pain or sciatica. If your condition isn’t caused by a pinched nerve, other reasons for your discomfort may include:

Degenerative disc disease is common among the elderly. As you age, the discs in your back dry out and don’t cushion your vertebrae as well, causing pain. Spinal stenosis also happens as you age, and arthritis in the back is a debilitating condition that requires expert treatment. Unchecked, a tumor may be a sign of cancer.

What Back Pain Tests Can Determine the Severity of My Back Pain?

The spinal medicine doctors at the Southeastern Spine Institute begin with the least invasive back pain tests to determine the cause of your discomfort, such as:

  • Asking you to do straight leg raising, performed while you’re lying on your back or front
  • Checking the reflexes on various parts of your body
  • Examining your posture and gait

For more information, your physician may order an MRI, x-ray, or CAT scan. Most back pain doesn’t require surgery, but finding the root cause of your pain is tantamount to a successful recovery. Sometimes, all you may need is a simple adjustment of your habits or a bit of physical therapy.

Why Is Diagnosing Back Pain Important?

Back pain is the leading cause of disability around the world. It costs about $100 billion a year in the United States to treat. Even minor back pain has the potential to become serious if not properly treated. Further statistics reveal that:

  • 80 percent of all adults experience back pain during their lifetime.
  • Most causes of this type of pain aren’t caused by a medical condition, but rather a change in the physical spine, such as a ruptured disc or a pinched nerve.
  • Back issues can affect your appendages, bladder and bowels.

Your spine health is precious and precarious, especially as you age. While vast improvements in spinal healthcare and surgery have been made over the years, lower back pain is still unsettling when it happens to you. To get help for back pain, contact the experts at the Southeastern Spine Institute. They find the root of your pain and recommend a treatment plan that fits your needs.

Keywords: back pain, lower back pain, back pain tests

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