The Southeastern Spine Institute

Don’t Rely on “Dr. Google” — Get an Exam

If you’re like most people, you probably went to a search engine to answer a health-related question at some point over the past few years. Maybe you found some valuable information and maybe you were misled. But why does everyone rely on Google searches first? The simple answer is that going to the doctor’s office […]

Coccyx Protection

The coccyx, more commonly known as the tailbone, is a small, triangle-shaped bone that’s situated at the bottom of your spine. Three to five spinal bones make up the coccyx — it actually varies between individuals. Its main function is to serve as an attachment site for tendons, ligaments and muscles. A coccyx injury is […]

7 Tips to Protect Your Back When You Work at a Desk

If you have a desk job, you’re at an increased risk of experiencing back pain. You may even be at a higher risk than people with physically demanding jobs. In fact, 80 percent of Americans experience back pain at some point in their lives, many from improper sitting techniques and poor ergonomics. Back pain is […]

The Trick to Treating Back Pain: Catch It Early

Back pain is one of the most common medical complaints. It can be scarier than any ghoul or monster coming to your door on Halloween. Most back pain isn’t caused by running from scary creatures either; it’s usually traced to a much more mundane cause — like a muscle strain, injury, overuse or an ongoing […]

Back Pain and Weightlifting

Although it may seem that back pain and weightlifting shouldn’t complement one another, the strengthening that weightlifting offers can actually reduce back pain. Moderate weightlifting helps develop your back strength. It doesn’t have to be about body building. When training with the proper routine, your back can develop the strength it needs to keep you […]

The First Step to Living Pain Free: The Exam

When your back hurts, you want relief from pain as soon as you can get it. But you can’t rush into treatment before your doctors at the Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) have figured out what’s causing the pain. SSI specializes in diagnosing and treating pain to help people live pain-free lives. The most important thing […]

Pros and Cons of Back Support Belts

Low back pain is the second most common symptom Americans cite as the reason they visit their health care providers every year. About 50 percent of Americans experience low back pain symptoms annually, and as many as 85 percent will experience some form of low back pain in their lifetime. In the U.S., the peak […]

Bone Health and Your Back

If you had a house with an unsteady foundation or shaky walls, you’d worry about your safety while inside. In the same vein, your bones serve as the foundation and walls of your body. They provide structure, protect your vital organs, anchor your muscles, and store vitamins and minerals. Your bones are constantly changing — […]

Whiplash and Its Potential Consequences

Whiplash is a neck injury that affects nearly three million Americans each year. Usually the result of a rear-end car accident, whiplash occurs when the neck experiences hyperextension and hyperflexion. In other words, it’s a serious neck sprain caused by the head forcefully moving backward and then forward. Whiplash can also be caused by falling, […]

Ergonomic Gardening Tips

Gardening has many benefits, yet it also carries everyday dangers you may not realize — especially for your back. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health cites back pain as one of the most common injuries reported. Americans easily spend more than $50 billion each year to treat back and shoulder pain alone. Many […]