Protecting Your Child’s Back
Childhood is one of the best times in a person’s life. It should be carefree, with no worries about the aches and pains that come with aging. However, with intense sports and the ever-growing technology industry, it’s more important than ever to take the proper precautions to protect your children’s backs. You can’t shelter your […]
Nutrition to Enhance Healing
After you’ve had back surgery, follow your surgeon’s instructions precisely. Spinal surgery is delicate, involved work, so for complete healing, follow the directions you’re given. Your surgeon will probably prescribe a regimen of physical therapy to help you regain full range of motion and remain pain-free. Along with this regimen of physical therapy, you should […]
Stretching to Alleviate Back Pain
Mild back pain can be a nuisance. It turns everyday tasks into painful chores. Walking, exercising, working and even sitting in a chair can cause you discomfort. If you’re experiencing back pain, back stretches may be the answer. Stretching helps improve flexibility of your joints. You may think of it as something to do when […]
Find a Massage Therapist You Can Trust
Back pain. Just the thought of it can send chills down your spine. Millions of people suffer from back pain every day, and it can be debilitating — leading to sleep disruption, inability to work, and an overall decreased quality of life. The doctors at the Southeastern Spine Institute believe in integrated back pain treatments. […]
Driving with Back Pain
Driving with pack pain is no fun for anybody. Heading out into the world for business or pleasure shouldn’t be an experience you dread. Travel should be comfortable, whether it’s exciting or routine. Long drives, even when necessary and dreary, are luxuries afforded to us in this age of the automobile. But driving with back […]
One Wrong Step
There’s a reason why lower back pain is a common disability worldwide. For every step you take, your lower back muscles are hard at work. These muscles are in constant motion, and with one wrong step, you can twist improperly and strain them. Walking is a simple — often overlooked — exercise that is beneficial […]
Take a Load Off Your Back
If you’re experiencing back pain and hope that your experienced spinal physicians at the Southeastern Spine Institute can give you a magic potion or a quick fix, your doctor instead may tell you something you don’t want to hear — it’s time to lose some weight. Not only can back pain be caused by carrying […]
Tips for Choosing the Right Mattress
If you’ve recently had back surgery, it’s time to evaluate your mattress. Comfortable support is always necessary for deep sleep, but you need it even more once you’ve had back surgery. Your best healing occurs when you sleep. By purchasing the most suitable bed now helps you avoid problems in the future. Some things to […]
Walk For a Healthy Back
Walking is one of the best exercises to prevent back pain and aid in recovery after back surgery. Just as children have a whole new world open up to them when they begin walking, so walking can bring you to new adventures while opening up a healthier, longer, more independent existence. For all the health […]
Waking Up Without Back Pain
Waking Up Without Back Pain Back pain relief is the ultimate outcome of back surgery. Age and injury are the leading causes of back pain in the United States, but it doesn’t have to cripple you. While nearly 80 percent of all Americans will suffer back pain at some point in their lives (and more […]