6 Aids to Help You Recover from Back Surgery

Back surgery procedures run the gamut from basic, non-invasive surgery to in-depth procedures that require extensive recovery time. Either way, it’s best to know what to expect with your specific back surgery recovery by talking to your spinal doctor or surgeon ahead of time, so you and your caregiver can have things ready. The six […]
After Back Surgery, Ease Back into Exercise
If you’ve been hurting bad enough to need surgery, you’ve suffered enough. You don’t need to feel pain after your procedure. But while the aim of surgery is to relieve the problem that led to your pain, any surgery is still a traumatic experience. Your procedure may have been minimally invasive, but you still need […]
How a Back Brace Can Help After Surgery
After surgery at the Southeastern Spine Institute, your doctor may recommend a back brace to facilitate your natural healing process. The brace can support your back, your neck or for both, depending on how much support you need. While some patients may find braces uncomfortable, others report enjoying the feeling, especially when driving. The main […]
The Caretaker’s Role in Your Recovery
Rely on help during your back surgery recovery. The key to a quick and complete recovery from any type of back surgery is planning. Your surgeon will explain what you can expect after your procedure, and you may have friends and family you can count on, but it’s up to you to plan ahead. Taking […]
When You Can Start Running Again After Back Surgery
You put your health in the hands of capable, experienced and highly gifted surgeons at the Southeastern Spine Institute. But what happens after your back surgery is just as important for determining your future. Exercise and physical therapy are required during your recovery period. If you start pushing yourself too quickly, though, you could end […]
Boating After Back Surgery
Back surgery recovery takes time; don’t rush it. Boating and fishing on the water are surprisingly hard on your spine and back muscles. It doesn’t matter how big your boat is — it can ride the waves like a drunken cowboy on a bull. If your legs and your knees don’t absorb the shock of […]
Recuperating at Home
All the back surgery performed at the Southeastern Spine Institute (SSI) is same day back surgery. That means you have the procedure as an outpatient — you arrive in the morning, have the operation and return home that evening. Most doctors agree that recuperating in your own home helps you heal quicker, as long as […]
Getting Intimate After Back Surgery
Back surgery is a big deal, so comply with your doctor’s orders during your back surgery recovery. You have to continue on medication for pain, undergo a series of physical rehabilitation sessions and confine yourself to those activities that do not reinjure your back. In other words, you have to take it easy. The same […]
Massage After Back Surgery
Do everything you can to speed your back surgery recovery. Any kind of back surgery, even minimally invasive surgery, is hard on your body. After a successful surgery, you want to heal and get back to your normal life as quickly as possible. Most people who undergo back surgery learn the recovery basics from their […]
Physical Therapy Following Back Surgery
Back surgery rehab requires physical therapy. If you’ve opted for back surgery or if your spinal physician told you that you needed surgery, it likely means you’ve been experiencing acute back pain, possibly for a long time. Surgery on your spine is a delicate procedure, but if you’ve come to the Southeastern Spine Institute, you […]