Harrison L. Plunkett, M.D.

Dr. Harrison Plunkett is excited to join the Pain Management team at the Southeastern Spine Institute to help patients who are suffering with chronic pain.
Originally from Atlanta, Dr. Plunkett first moved to Charleston in 2005 to attend The Citadel; there he developed a desire to serve his country while pursuing a career as a physician.
Dr. Plunkett accepted a commission as a medical officer in the U.S. Navy and in 2014 earned his Medical Degree from the Medical University of South Carolina.
After graduating medical school, Dr. Plunkett served as an Undersea Medical Officer and was stationed at Naval Submarine Support Center New London. While in the Navy he treated sailors in two nuclear fast attack submarine squadrons.
In 2019, Dr. Plunkett joined the University of Virginia where he would complete residency training as an Anesthesiologist. During his final year he was elected by his peers and faculty members to serve as a Chief Resident.
After completing his residency, Dr. Plunkett remained at the University of Virginia and completed his Chronic Pain Fellowship; he board certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology.
With a strong desire to return to the Charleston area, Dr. Plunkett came to
The Southeastern Spine Institute in 2023 to continue his medical career and to collaborate with their experienced team; he hopes to help more and more patients find meaningful relief and get back to enjoying their daily lives again.
Dr. Plunkett resides with his family in Mt. Pleasant. During his free time you can find him spending time with his family, lifting weights, running, biking, and enjoying the many great restaurants around Charleston.
7/2005 – 5/2009 1. Bachelor of Science: Physical Education: Health and Wellness (Biology Specialization) The Citadel, Charleston, SC
8/2010 -5/2014 2. Doctorate of Medicine (M.D.) Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
7/2014 – 7/2015 3. Transitional Year Intern Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CA
7/2015 – 12/2015 4. Undersea Medical Officer Course Naval Undersea Medical Institute, Groton, CT
7/2019 – 6/2022 5. Anesthesiology Residency University of Virginia Department of Anesthesiology, Charlottesville, VA
7/2022 – 7/2023 6. Interventional Chronic Pain Fellow University of Virginia Department of Anesthesiology, Charlottesville, VA
07/2015 – Current Active Virginia Medical License
07/2022 Board Eligible Anesthesiology
11/2021 – University of Virginia Department of Anesthesiology; Charlottesville, VA. Resident Physician / Investigator
• Accepted Abstract – Survey Assessing Pre-procedural Patient Education in Spinal Cord Stimulator Placement.
• ASRA Fall 2021 Meeting.
11/2021 – University of Virginia Department of Anesthesiology; Charlottesville, VA. Resident Physician
• ASRA Newsletter Article on Buprenorphine Treatment for Substance Use Disorder
• Michaud K, Plunkett H, Kohan L Buprenorphine treatment recommendations for patients with opioid use disorder. ASRA News 2021;46. https://doi.org/10.52211/asra110121.064
• November 2021 ASRA Newsletter
02/2021 – University of Virginia Department of Anesthesiology; Charlottesville, VA. Resident Physician / Investigator
• Accepted Abstract – Intrathecal Baclofen Pump Placement in a Patient with Refractory Spasticity secondary to STXBP1 gene mutation.
• ASRA Spring 2021 Meeting.
03/2020 – University of Virginia Department of Anesthesiology; Charlottesville, VA. Resident Physician / Investigator
• Quality improvement project – Helped investigate compliance and familiarity of newly implemented protocols for donning and doffing PPE in light of COVID-19 pandemic.
• Accepted publication for AAMC icollaborative – https://icollaborative.aamc.org/resource/ 5029/
06/2016 – Undersea Medical Officer Conference; Las Vegas, NV. Presentator
• “Lessons learned from a Junior UMO”
• Presented difficult undersea medicine cases encountered during my first 6 months and advocated for improvements in Undersea Medical Officer training.
09/2014 – Internal Medicine Department, NMCSD; San Diego CA. Accepted Presentation
• Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Artery Sarcoma – Clinical Vignette
• Accepted to present as part of the 2014 Southern California ACP Abstract Competition.
04/2013 – The Medical University of South Carolina – Department of Orthopaedics ; Charleston, SC. Co-Investigator/Presenter / Publication
• Intraoperative Blood Loss Amongst Jehovah’s Witnesses in Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Report of 5 Cases
• Presented as a part of Department of Orthopaedics Siegling Day 2013
• Accepted as publication in the South Carolina Medical Journal.
01/2013 – 06/2013 – The Medical University of South Carolina – Department of Anesthesiology; Charleston, SC. Investigator
• Whiteley JR, Hand WR, Plunkett HL, Taylor JM, Stoll WD, et al. (2013) Epsilon-Aminocaproic Acid in Liver Transplantation: A Three-Year, Retrospective Review. J Anesthe Clinic Res 4:328. doi:10.4172/2155-6148.1000328
Phi Kappa Phi, Tri-Beta Honor Society and Kappa Alpha member The Citadel
NASPE Major of the Year ’08 – ’09
Broadus R. Littlejohn Scholarship
Class of 1976 Scholarship recipient
Founding Member of C.H.A.M.P.s interest group, MUSC
19th place 2103 Famously Hot Showdown (’13)
Finisher – Palmetto 200 mile Team Relay
Navy Commendation Medal
Finisher – Marine Corps Marathon
Excellence in Clinical Performance Assessment Award – UVA
UVA Health System and UVA Police Department Opioid Take Back Coordinator
Tactical Combat Casualty Course
Louie’s Kids Volunteer
Star of the West Scholar (Scholarship recipient) COMTEAM Leader for MUSC COM 21015
1st Place Clydesdale Division TryCharleston Sprint (’10)
Heart Health Volunteer – MUSC Pediatrics
Certified Level 2 Crossfit Trainer
Navy Achievement Medal
Finisher – RAGNAR Cape Cod
UVA Anesthesiology Leadership Conference attendee