Once you reach retirement, you finally have a chance to do what you want to do without worrying about anyone else’s rules or schedule. To make sure you can enjoy these golden years to the fullest, take care of your health needs. Make it a top priority. And the one area you must focus on and maintain is your back.
If you’ve already experienced any kind of back problem, you know how limiting it can be. If you hurt your back when you’re older, it definitely impacts your ability to enjoy your retirement. Heeding back health tips can make a big difference in relieving any aches, pains or joint stiffness you may be feeling. And taking preventative action now can keep back problems from getting any worse.
Back Health Tips That Can Prevent Future Problems
You simply cannot avoid all back pain. Some spine issues are hereditary; others were caused years ago. But following some sensible back health tips can prevent new problems from flaring up and stop the progression of existing problems. Tips for protecting the health of your back include:
- Pay attention to your posture. Sit up straight when sitting at a desk.
- Participate in targeted exercises that strengthen your core muscles.
- Try low-impact exercises, such as yoga or swimming.
- Always stretch before and after exercising.
- Wear comfortable shoes that don’t put unnecessary pressure on your spine.
- Improve your overall health by eating right and staying active.
- Maintain a healthy weight, or strive to lose weight if you’re overweight.
- Let your spine rest while sleeping. Consider buying a more supportive mattress or changing your sleeping position if you experience back pain in the morning.
Back Health Tips for Avoiding Harmful Activities
There are also some activities to avoid when it comes to taking care of your back. In particular:
- Don’t slouch or sit hunched over a computer or book for long periods of time.
- Don’t lift heavy objects that are more than one-fourth of your body weight. When you lift something heavy, focus on using the muscles in your legs rather than those in your back or upper body.
- Don’t habitually carry a heavy pocketbook or backpack over just one shoulder.
- Don’t overdo repetitive movements when you exercise.
- Don’t ignore intense pain or discomfort in your back. Untreated problems in your spine can get much worse.
If You Have Chronic Back Problems
Back problems may start long before retirement. If you have existing back problems, whether you have new or ongoing symptoms, don’t ignore them. Taking care of your back by working with the experts at Southeastern Spine Institute is one of the best back health tips you can incorporate into your retirement schedule, no matter how busy you get.
If you have chronic back pain or even the start of twinges in your back, the spine specialists at SSI find the cause. They take a conservative approach to spine care treatment and try to find a solution that doesn’t involve surgery whenever possible. Be proactive in your back care, and you’ll be better prepared to truly enjoy your retirement.