The Southeastern Spine Institute

Is Golf Dangerous for Your Back?

Golf is enjoying a spike in popularity. Whether due to baby boomers with more time on their hands or to millennials exploring the sport, golf continues to grow. If you’re an avid golfer, you may experience back pain at some point, regardless of your age. You can still enjoy the game; just realize that golf […]

5 Tips for Dealing with Chronic Back Pain

More than 45 million Americans suffer from chronic back pain, with the pain lingering for more than three months at a time. It’s such a pervasive issue that it accounts for more doctor visits per year than almost any other condition, second only to upper respiratory concerns such as the common cold. If you’re struggling […]

Get Moving Today to Prevent Back Pain Tomorrow

Your body is designed for movement. But modern life frequently may find you sitting or being sedentary – behind the wheel, at your desk or just on the couch – for unhealthy amounts of time. Unfortunately, back pain can be triggered by inactivity and the accompanying decrease in physical strength. Here’s one simple secret to […]

One and Done: How to Avoid Re-Injuring Your Back

After having survived your last back injury, you know it’s not something you want to going through again. Back pain isn’t anyone’s idea of a good time. Eight out of 10 people have been forced to endure back pain at some point in their lives. Those are fairly alarming statistics. It proves that back pain […]

10 Tips for Ergonomic Cellphone Use

Cellphones and back pain aren’t exactly things you associate with each other — until you have a problem. Ergonomics are probably not the most pressing issue on the minds of cellphone designers either. Capability and convenience often outshine comfort in the world of mobile devices. Even the simple act of holding your cellphone to your […]

How to Tell If Your Hips Are Out of Alignment

Even very minor concerns about spinal health may indicate that a problem is in the making. Untreated, back pain can lead to more debilitating problems. Some of these problems result from a lack of knowledge about what’s wrong with your back and what steps you can take to treat it. A visit to the team […]

Safe High-Impact Exercises to Improve Bone Density

Unless you’re an astronaut, you don’t experience the effects of spaceflight osteopenia caused by weightlessness. Long-term space flights can result in an alarming 20 percent loss of bone. To counteract the debilitating effects of their extraterrestrial lifestyle, astronauts engage in at least 15 hours a week of high-impact exercise. Although you have the benefit of […]

A Bum Knee Can Tweak Your Back

A “trick knee” is a term you may have heard before. It describes a knee that easily buckles under or gives way without warning. If you have this kind of knee problem, you may experience anything from severe pain to minor discomfort. Instability in your knee can create a chain reaction too, causing other long-term […]

Your Skeletal Structure Extends from Your Head to Your Toes

Your body is a container. Along with the recognizable contents of organs, blood and bones, your body also contains sensations. Sensations are feelings or perceptions that provide you with information about yourself. Sometimes, these sensations are confusing or alarming. Perhaps you have a burning pain in your foot, but you can’t recall injuring it. Or […]

How Your Limbs Impact Your Back

Your body is a complex and interconnected system. Your doctor considers many factors when it comes to maintaining your spinal health, including: Your everyday posture Your lifestyle Your medical history How your limbs interact with your spinal column Just as a pinched nerve in your back can lead to pain in your leg, so can […]